Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Book 1 is now also available in eBook formats! Click "Online Pricing" tab (above) for links to the current online prices at several distributors for both the hard and softcover print versions and eBook formats.

New visitors - We have a question for you. Was the mysterious darkness which descended over Golgotha while Jesus was dying merely a local phenomenon, or did it extend beyond Jerusalem and possibly throughout Palestine? The true (but startling) answer to this question is explained in the article below.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Darkness - A Factual Event

The pervasive darkness which the Bible says mysteriously descended for three hours while Jesus was dying was actually a worldwide event. In his classic book, The Day Christ Died, author Jim Bishop cites two historians who note the occurrence. He says Tertullian "found in the records of Rome, a notation of a worldwide darkness which the statesmen of the Empire could not explain." (both quotes, First Edition, page 314). He also says Phlegon wrote, ". . . in the fourth year of the two hundred and second Olympiad, there was a great darkness over Europe, surpassing anything that had ever been seen. At mid-day, he said, the stars could be seen. At the same time an earthquake caused much damage in Nicaea." How much more specific could that be?

Yet the darkness is only the starting point for the Three Day Series, which attempts to re-enact the aftershocks caused by this incredible event. Why did the darkness occur? What was happening in Heaven while this event was taking place in our world? How and why did the darkness end and what effect did the finale have on the humans standing on Golgotha? And curiously, how did the evil spirits perceive these things? Yet it is the things which Jesus does after His death that might be the most interesting. These epic developments are re-enacted as well.

The darkness sets in motion a series of developments which will never take place again, things which were planned since before the foundation of the world. The Three Day Series - Book 1 - The Darkness begins this fascinating story. When complete, the full series will attempt to explore the far reaching implications of this one of a kind transition between the Old and New Covenants.

Lessons are locked up in the mystery of these days, so why not prayerfully join us as we mine the treasures of those who have gone before us, those who experienced the birthpangs of this epic event firsthand? You can read an excerpt from Book 1 by clicking the "Excerpts" tab at the top of this page (coming soon). You can compare prices for Book 1 at online distributors by clicking the "Online Pricing" tab. The release of future books in the Three Day Series, and the release of every new series, will appear on this blog. You may want to subscribe by clicking the "followers" box to the right (please notify me if you have difficulty with this feature). Either way, it is my hope that you will join us on this enjoyable journey as we explore the uniqueness of these remarkable days. The subject seems to be inexhaustible. 

Oh yes, and Lord willing, the Three Day Series - Book 2 - The Blood is scheduled for release in 2012.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

"Three Day Series - Book 1 - The Darkness" by Samuel Compton

This series explores the three mysterious days between Jesus' death and resurrection in four dimensions: the visible one of humans, the invisible one of demons, the mysterious one in Sheol, and the glorious one in Heaven. A careful blend of historical research and biblical revelation, where possible even the fictionalized portions have been based on concepts which are found elsewhere in Scripture. What happened when Jesus died? Why did Joseph bury Jesus? What was going on in Heaven and in Sheol during these days? What were Mary, Annas, Caiaphas, and the disciples doing while Jesus was dead? And what about that vast, dark world of evil spirits? What were they up to while Jesus was gone? But most importantly, what was Jesus Himself accomplishing while the earth was poised between two covenants with God?

This series explores it all. A dramatic re-enactment of history's most pivotal transition, the unexplored subject becomes an epic adventure that wisely informs. The story has apparently never been told---until now. Dramatically moving and creatively humorous, this series is a must read for anyone even remotely interested in the things of God.

Book 1 is available for preview and purchase at

Three Day Series - Book 2 - The Blood is scheduled for release in 2012.