About Me

If you must know, I almost dedicated my life to surfing. I was razor close my entire seventeenth year on this earth. Then a wave of grace came along and swept many of us into God's glorious Kingdom, and I've been riding that wave ever since. I finally found something unshakeable to give myself to. That's some of the meaning behind the photo you see on the homepage background. As believers, we're all riding that great wave of grace.

I graduated from Virginia Tech and have a combined experience of over 20 years in both pastoral ministry and as a Bible teacher traveling in various churches in the United States. I had the incredible priviledge of ministering to a wide variety of denominations, streams, and movements in the Body of Christ, many of whom represent unique ethnic groups and cultural diversities. There is no question that during my extended stay among those precious folks, I learned far more from them than they did from me. I richly cherish that unique opportunity.

Currently, however, I am a full time author, and due to physical limitations, I am no longer able to travel and minister, which means apparently the time has come for me to put what the Lord has entrusted to me into print. Lord willing, I plan to release several more series, including but not limited to (and not necessarily in this order), the Bible Mystery Series, the City Series, the Financial Restoration Series, the Character Development Series, to name a few.

For years I have had the sense the Lord wanted the Three Day Series the first series released, even though it is by far the most difficult to write. Don't misunderstand me, I realize the Lord gets blamed for a lot of things He never really said, and I realize I could be mistaken in my impression, but on many occasions it seemed to me this subject was close to His heart. Consequently for a very, very long time I have been trying to learn how to write about these unusual developments. The fullness of time seems to have finally arrived to release these mysteries. If you have half the fun reading this series I did writing it, you better hang onto to your socks.

While writing I was shocked by several things. For example, there are several theological land mines hidden in these days (which I discovered early in the process and is one of the reasons why this took so long). After years of threading through the mines I began to see the incredible wonder hidden in these days. They mark a pivotal period in human history. The last lesson I learned, which was the most difficult, was my inability to negotiate all these things adequately. Consequently during this process I was constantly brought back to riding that wave of grace in a new way (which is another meaning behind the background photo). Suffice it to say, I am acutely aware that if you derive anything from this work, it will be because of that big thing behind me giving us all the ride of our lives.

I invite you to join many of us who are riding into these days. I believe you will find the journey not only enjoyable, but a beneficial quest into one of the greatest mysteries of the Bible: the three mysterious days that literally shook the earth, and everyone who has ever lived in it!

Samuel Compton
October, 2010